LCB Confessional Jan 26, 2025

Happy Monday! It’s January 27th, here are last nights confessions.

What is one piece of advice you would give to your younger self, regarding life OR horses.

-to not give myself a time clock for accomplishing things in life. It’ll all work out the way it’s supposed to AND you’ll be grateful of the way it worked out in the end vs what you expected for yourself

-Love yourself. No one is responsible for your happiness except yourself. Those younger years really were the good ole days.

-Enjoy the ride! It won’t always be there.

-You are capable of so much more than you believe. Have a relationship with your veterinarian, your horse will last longer, be stronger, do better and you will save yourself a lot of sleepless nights.

-NO ONE is judging you harder than you are judging yourself!

-Take the chances and don’t let other peoples opinions influence you or your decision in a negative way.

-Enjoy the process! Mistakes and failures are all part of it.

-“Don’t make a shoe fit” and “You can’t fit a round ball in a square hole.” These apply to horses and life- sell the horse you don’t get along with perfect and don’t try to make one work that does not want to. There are too many good ones out there to force a mediocre one. Keep the people around that are their for the right reasons- you can’t change people.

-If you are the smartest one in the room, you are in the wrong room. Surround yourself with people who challenge you to be better. For example, if you are winning local jackpots, enter more big events maybe where you might not win/ place. It challenges you to keep getting better.

-Comparison is the thief of joy- in all aspects of life.

-Be kind to yourself. Be patient don’t put the cart before the horse. Surround yourself with good people.

-Don’t go falling in love with the “potential” a man has. See them for who they are, not who they “could” be.

-I would tell my younger self to stay focused. Eyes on the prize.

-Focus on running your own race and only worry about what you have control over.

-Be patient! Don't rush the process just to try and keep up with others! Keep the expectations fair and you'll see improvement come way faster!

-Do not date that city guy with the gambling, drug, and alcohol addiction, but if you do, leave him in Montana on that trip & never speak to him again.

-Don’t be in such a rush. Embrace every stage in life and horses because you’ll look back on some and miss the days when things were simpler.

-Go to the vet. Regularly. Even if you think your horse is fine and sound. Your horse not seeing a vet for five years should not be a source of pride.

-Stop chasing* the “loud cool guys”- they’re losers later on. Go for the funny nice guys.

-Stop living like your life has a time line. Thinking you have to be married by 23 and having babies by 26, or buy a house by the time youre 28, or have your career figured out by the time you're 21, etc, is going to cause you nothing but stress. Life will pan out perfectly on its own time, you have no control over it.

-Enroll in more clinics, go for more lessons, get out of the arena.

-Your brain is the most powerful tool. Train it to work with you not against you.

-You don’t need to have the best horse in the arena but you need to be the best version of yourself.

-Trust in God and though it may not make sense now, everything has a way of working itself out for the better in the long run.

-Learn how to lose and how to fail. The horses learn by making mistakes and us correcting them— and so do we! Stop trying to be perfect, and just do the best you can everyday!

- Life never goes as planned, adapt and make the most of the entire ride. Comparing yourself to others will eat you alive, compare yourself to the person you were yesterday instead and strive to be a better version of that person.

-If you’re pissed off at bull riders after their house party - toss their keys in the bush so they can’t leave to the rodeo the next morning.

-Don’t wait! Do it! Life is short!

-Don’t marry the man just because you had his kid.

-Barrel racing isn’t who you are, it’s what you do. So stop defining your self worth into what the clock says.

-You are enough

-Focus on figuring out who YOU are, to your core. Only surround yourself with people who fill up your cup. Care for your animals before all else.

-Always pet your horse first.

-Don’t go to college in Texas with a boyfriend

-I would tell my younger self not to be a doormat to that one friend that still uses you to this day because it’s setting me up to allow other people to try to use me for what I can offer and leave me behind when it’s not good enough.

-Don’t waste 3 years wondering if a drug dealer is your boyfriend while he brings his other girlfriends to your functions you invite him to.

-Be the bigger bitch always. Don’t be nice to the girls that treat you one way to your face and another behind your back-you’ll never get that back and it takes a toll on you.

-What anyone thinks of you, is NONE of YOUR business. So pick the path in life that makes YOU happy and stop caring what anyone thinks!

-Surround yourself with positive & ambitious people. And never be afraid to follow your heart.

-Be unapologetically yourself.

-Two things I’d say
1) Stop self sabotaging yourself, you deserve to do great things and have great things come to you
2) Trust your training and stop going slow

Check Lipstick and Cowboy Boots Instagram and Facebook next Sunday for a new LCB Confessions question and link. Confessions are completely anonymous. Subscribers read confessions first thing with their cup of coffee. You can subscribe by scrolling to the bottom of the home page.

Thanks for reading. Have a good week!


LCB Confessional February 2


LCB Confessional Jan 19, 2025