LCB Confessional February 2

Happy Monday! It’s February 3rd, here are yesterdays confessions.

-I’m starting to question the loyalty of a lot of my friendships

-I’m 100% certain that some married rodeo cowboys are actually gay and their wives just ignore their intuition or want the lifestyle

-I don't even listen to snap chats from my friends.

-Pay your bills people!!! It’s so rude that people go down the rodeo road or on family vacation but they still owe money to their Veterinarian or Farrier etc.

-Fear of failing causes me paralysis. I just don’t do anything and keep telling myself it’s not the right time. Often to the point I just want to run away and hide. Sometimes I avoid the things at all cost until it’s too late. Or even sabotage myself. Relationships, business, family, fitness, many things..

-My lovely husband who is not a horse person went along with my idea of buying a farm for said horses. Drowning in snow removal (which causes me to miss work) and now my waterer breaking during a cold snap makes me question all my decisions and makes me realize how much my husband truly loves me and my stupid ideas. #ihatewinter

-I am scared that I will never accomplish my goals in the arena. Barrel Racing is all I think about and I’m worried I will always be average.

-I am so terrified of giving birth and being pregnant. I see everyone around me doing it and I cannot fathom it. I want children but I do not want to birth them and no one understands my fear and they minimize it.

-Women who have kids, and complain about how hard and isolating it is to have kids… piss me off something fierce. Don’t have kids then.

-50yr old woman here! Have never identified as anything but straight however, why does a female sexual affair sound SO appealing?!!?

-I secretly judge people who won’t get their horse looked at by a performance vet, but then aren’t happy with how their horse is performing and say it’s cause of the money but they still enter that 3 day barrel race 6hrs away

-I can’t go anywhere in a stock trailer. You think I’m stuck up because I haul my big trailer to a small jackpot? It’s because I need my washroom 

-Sometimes I wish bad luck on people like a miss or a barrier or a down barrel because I want someone else to win instead

-I LOVE people. I truly do. I feel bad for those that say they don’t like people. Sis you are hanging around the wrong people! When you look for the good you will find it. And there is a LOT of good out there!

-My husband has an F Trudeau sticker but when I vote, he can’t see my choice. And it ain’t that.


LCB Confessional February 9


LCB Confessional Jan 26, 2025