LCB Confessional February 9

Happy Monday! It’s February 10th, here are yesterdays confessions.

“What is your most controversial opinion?”

The following statements do not reflect the views or opinions of Lipstick and Cowboy Boots.

-Lasix isn’t preventing bleeding as much as people think it is.

-There is no such thing as "pro rodeo potential". Your horse either has stats or it doesn't.

-Just because you can enter a pro rodeo, does not make you a professional barrel racer.

-Lasix is not the answer to behavioural problems.

-I lasix everything. And I’m unapologetically open about it!

-Women and men are not equal. Men are actually superior to us. Mic drop.

-It’s not a flex that you don’t take your horse time the vet. There’s a 9/10 chance you should be taking your horse to the vet more than you are. And using your local vet isn’t good enough. Find a performance horse vet.

-The issue isn’t your horse. It’s you. You need to ride better.

-Lasix is overused and most people who use it don’t truly understand how it works. Scary stuff.

-My controversial opinion is that the people who come from generations of rodeo contestants and big money are making it in this industry more than the people who are first generations with less money. Money wins more than talent these days unfortunately

-95% of horse supplements/therapies are hoaxes or just have minimal benefit. The market is saturated and most problems are due to over training/starting high stress too young.

-I think that college and university’s are a scam.

-Too many people overvalue what they’re not & undervalue what they are

-The number of stallions that would make average GELDINGS and should be CUT

-There is no “casually” listing a horse. You literally posted the horse on 10 different Facebook groups with a description and price. It’s for sale. Period.

-There’s no excuse to ride a horse that’s not legged up. Either find the time to ride 5 days a week or don’t enter

-That people don’t look closer at LTE of horses or rider combos if they aren’t a pro rodeo athlete!! Amateurs can make as much or more as well. My horse has won an excess of over $375K since 2015 all doing slot races, jackpots and amateur rodeos I have never once been acknowledged/ sponsored or interviewed!

-Every horse owner should know how give IV injections

-Zach Bryan > Brianna Chickenfry. I love that she's becoming less relevant and he's still making damn good tunes

-Feeding unnecessary supplements and over doing therapy treatments (beemer, shockwave, etc.) inhibits your horses natural ability to self regulate and recover and can create more issues down the line.

-The barrel racing community needs to normalize regular riding lessons. Not just 1-2 clinics a year. Actual routine help with your riding and your horse.

-People need to stop buying brand new tack sets and new outfits when their horse’s are obviously sore. Invest in your HORSE not your appearance.

-Canada needs to become the 51st state. We NEED TRUMP

-Kamala should have won

(I add these as they come in, I do not change the order in which I receive them.)

-That the judges should mark the barrel pattern at the rodeos.

-The Super Bowl Half Time Show sucked this year…Kendrick Lamar…go home.

-3D barrel racers are the most problematic drama causing of them all

-That I think having children completely ties you down.

-Everyone hating on Kendrick Lamar at the Superbowl. Meanwhile you’re supporting someone that has known proof of being a pedo. Kendrick said what he said. Let’s hold strong on that shall we.

-Most barrel racers do not invest in themselves enough. Go to the gym, stretch, eat balanced healthy meals, and get enough sleep. Living off energy drinks and granola bars is not sustainable and it does not do yourself any justice in the saddle. Make your health a priority.

-Olives are disgusting, they taste like dirt

-Doesn’t matter if your horse is running fast if your not doing the proper vet work your probably getting beat by someone that is and sooner or later your horse will stop working

-People who put bucking rolls on slick fork saddles are dumb. It’s like wearing a helmet while driving a convertible.

-Trump should absolutely not be president and climate change is REAL!

--If your horse is in Canada, list it in Canadian dollars. If you want to list it in USD, haul it to the USA


LCB Confessional Feb 23


LCB Confessional February 2