Angela Ganter CFR 2018


Angela started riding when she was just five years old. She moved up the playday ranks to jackpots and then to rodeos. She took about seven years off due to breast cancer and got to spend a lot of time getting her balance and confidence back.

“This year proves you can do anything if you work hard enough,” she says. Her only goal this year was to make the Canadian Finals Rodeo after watching her daughter Jackie Ganter compete there the last two years.

During the 2018 season Ganter won Hand Hills, Brooks, Bonnyville, Grimshaw, Cranbrook, Pincher Creek, Lethbridge, and was the Grass Roots first and second Go, and average winner. After 36 Canadian Professional Rodeo Association rodeos and $22,903.00 Angela is coming to Red Deer in fifth position. Could this CFR send her to the top and give her a chance at rodeos like Houston & Calgary? We will find out in eight short days!

Angela will be bringing with her Bogies French Bug aka Bugs who is by Frenchmans Bogie and out of a First Wrangler mare, as well as Marthas Six Shooter aka Shooter, who is by Marthas Si Moons and out of a Truckle Feature mare.

Tell us about your horses? Their quirks and their style.
Bugs likes to sleep all of the time, most of the time you have to get him up to go run. Shooter likes to rub his splint boots off and will cross his legs while trying to get this done. Bugs came from Taci Bettis, he was her back up horse! Shooter was Jackies horse that the Dufurs had bought for her to ride and she let me borrow him and I never returned him. Bugs is as solid as they come. Very consistent but a tad bit lazy. Shooter is very fast and quick footed. He wakes up in a new world every day. Bugs is a gift from god, he gave me a chance to live a dream. He is a little ornery but harmless. Shooter is personality plus; he loves being in his own world.

Tell us about your 2018 season; the highs and the lows.
I had a great year but I did have a low point when I hadn’t placed at six rodeos, and I really had to pull myself up and fight to comeback.

What was your favourite rodeo this year and why?
My favourite rodeo was Hand Hills Rodeo because it was my first rodeo win!

We all know that being competitive takes serious mental strength.What do you do to keep a sharp mental edge in the game of rodeo? How do you stay motivated throughout the season?
I read a lot of positive quotes and I watch a lot of sports and take note of how the winners prepare themselves. I never quit trying no matter what happens. I find a positive in every run and then work on the mistakes.

What does your feed program look like, keeping your horses in peak condition going down the road and even in the off season?
I feed Hi-Pro performance feed supplements. Red Cell, Acculytes, Hoofmaster, along with alfalfa and coastal hay. Shooter gets lactanase powder daily for tying up.

What do you do to condition your horses leading up to the season, and what does your pre CFR routine consist of?
I ride at least 3 days a week and swim them the other 2-3 days. CFR Schedule will stay the same.

What is the best advice you’ve ever been told regarding life, horses, rodeo or barrel racing?
The best advice I was given is that second place is the first loser

What has been your most memorable run over the years
My most memorable run would be at Bonnyville was for sure. I had left Jackie in Medicine Hay to head to Cheyenne without me even thought I was doing good there too, but I wanted to finish what I started. I hitched a ride to a borrowed truck and trailer where I then borrowed a house to stay in then off at 4am to compete at Bonnyille. I proceeded to turn my season around.

If you could make a run on any one of the other CFR qualifiers horses which one would you choose and why?
I have never run left so Ripp would be a challenge for me, so I would say Brownie of Callahans.

Who is your barrel racing idol?
My idol is Kay Blanford, she taught me that you are nothing without your horse.

What is the one thing you cannot live without on the road?
Must haves on the road is Tessa my dog, Coke Zero and purple Red Bull!

What are you looking forward to the most as you head to the 2018 Canadian Finals Rodeo?
I am most looking forward to getting to experience the CFR on a horse and not just in the alley. Also the gifts! All the girls are so supportive of one another. I cannot wait to compete with all of them!

I would like to thank my sponsors, INSpectrailer, Dufur Quarter Horses, PHT, 5 Star, EquiResp, Hi-Pro Feeds, West Texas Equine, Lone Star Stables


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