Bertina Olafson CFR 2022

Bertina Olafson is no stranger to the Canadian Finals Rodeo. She will be back in Red Deer with $16,899.98 to her name after 30 rodeos this season. She finished second at Lethbridge, Brooks, Olds and Dawson Creek, and picked up miscellaneous placings in quite a few other rodeos.

What was your very first horses name, and what did you learn from this horse?
Dandy would of been my first horse. She was a young pony that went along with whatever I decided to do on that given day. Dandy taught me just how much fun a horse can be and that adventures are endless on the back of a horse. She was a special pony!

When did you know that Duke was going to be a great one?
As a yearling I recognized he was different than any other horse I’d ever owned.

Barrel racing wasn’t a high priority in my life at that time. I wanted a horse to have fun on and compete locally. I was initially drawn to spending more time with him due to his fun personality and confidence.

We began competing when he was four. Within a month into competing he surpassed all my expectations. I had never entered a large event before that point, for some reason I decided to enter a few futurities. This was huge to me. When we won a round in at a tough futurity, it hit me just how special he was! I knew he was above my level of barrel racing. I’d never be able to sell him. I promised myself I would do what it took to take him as far as he could go. My entire journey in barrel racing with him has always been to uphold that promise.

What did you do during your barrel racing hiatus, and what made you want to get back into barrel racing?
After graduating high school my interaction with horses dwindled down. A lot of years went by before I got back in the saddle.

My children were very active in all sports. We were always on the go! There comes a feeling of emptiness when your children graduate and leave home. I needed to fill that void with something competitive and exciting. Barrel racing it was!

How was your 2022 season; tell us about the highs and the lows of being on the road chasing the CFR dream again.
To be honest, this season was the toughest for me. I had more lows than any other year. All year I questioned where Duke’s fire was, the answer looking back now is that I lacked the spark to get his fire started!

I had a couple set backs and injuries this season. If I were my horse, I would of been turned out to pasture for a couple months!

I have many reasons or excuses with what went wrong. We can get caught up in excuses. I won’t concentrate on the lows, I’ll work to correct or accept them and move on.

The highs always outweigh the lows. We had a lot of good runs and a lot of great memories made. Making the top 12 short go at Ponoka was one of the biggest highlights for me!! This has been my goal since the first time I ran there. Third times the charm!

Tell us about your 2022 Calgary Stampede Experience
The opportunity to compete against many of the best barrel racers and top horses in the world at one race was a very cool experience. It was by far the toughest race I’ve ever been in!!

What has been your most memorable run from this year, and what made it memorable for you?
Coming into Lethbridge rodeo I felt like Duke was strong and confident. As we were warming up close to race time a wasp went up his nose. Long trotting to warm up instantly went into half running, half bucking and him trying to rub his nose in the dirt all at the same time! I jumped off, led him frantically to the trailer and got the wasp out. He was snorty and I didn’t have much time for him to settle. A storm was rolling in quickly, that may have distracted him from the wasp episode. From past experiences, I know he can be quite reactive in storm situations. I held my breath when we entered the arena and hoped for the best. He worked great and ended up placing 2nd. So many emotions within 15 minutes!!

What is it like to be watching others compete on horses from your own breeding program?
I may get a little too excited!! I have a small breeding business and raise most of the foals. To see the offspring that are grown with their owners and competing is so special to me! It’s those moments you realize what you do it all for!

Do you have any up and coming prospects you are excited about?
I am looking forward to introducing “Halo” to the rodeo scene next season. Plan Ta Be Famous is a 5 yr old mare that Krystal Grad rode for me this season in the futurities. She is a gritty little mare!!

What are your plans for 2023?
Rodeoing is always the main plan for each season. Working to make the CFR is the next goal on the list. Every year I try to enter new races. I want to experience everything I can, while I can! I haven’t nailed down my exact plans but I’ll try make it to a few new races and rodeos on my bucket list!

“A shout out to my sponsors that have helped us this season: Aim Engineering & Project Management, Cor Veterinary Services, Irvine’s Tack & Western Wear, CEP Canada, Equine Choice and Sky's The Limit Performance Quarter Horses.

A special thank you to my husband Jason and my family for all their support and encouragement. My mare Zena was there for me and stepped up whenever I needed her. She has been a large part of my success behind the scenes! There are so many people that help us out in a year and I never want to miss anyone by making a list! Thank you to everyone with any part you have played to help us make the CFR.”


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