The Origins of Mutton Bustin’

Innisfail, AB - Visualize this. 

It's a humid summer evening. The stands are packed. You have an ice cold drink in your hand. The rodeo announcer’s voice booms over the loudspeaker and you’re on the edge of your seat as the gate man opens the bucking chute. 

Out charges 100lbs of wooly fury, a helmeted toddler is clinging to the sheep’s back and the crowd goes wild. 

Did you know “Mutton Bustin” was invented right here in Alberta at the world famous Daines Ranch Pro Rodeo? Mutton Bustin is an entertaining children’s event in which a small child is placed on the back of a sheep. When the chute cracks the sheep runs out and the kid who stays on the longest wins! 

Jack Daines, founder of the Daines Ranch Pro Rodeo, thought of the idea because he didn't want any children getting injured trying to ride the larger bovines. He brought some of the family's sheep to the bucking chutes and the rest is history. Mutton Bustin’ is now included in half time shows around the world. 

Interested in having your child participate? Be sure to check out the Daines Ranch Pro Rodeo September 2nd, 3rd and 4th and get in on the wooly action. Camping is free with ticket purchase and tickets are available at


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