Diane Skocdopole CFR 2018

Coming to Red Deer in tenth position, after 38 CPRA rodeos and pocketing $14,864, is Diane Skocdopole. She will be bringing Sonic aka. JG Hectors Pizzazz by RNJ Heckofafrenchman out of RNJ Abigail, and Kaye aka. Known To Be Wild CS by Known For Dash (Dashing Kleat) and is out of a Page Oh Bobby mare. Kaye is owned by Stacey Ruzicka.

What things do you want people to know about your horse(s)?
That she’s a pretty outstanding rope horse (head,heel, tie down) too! Sonic even has CPRA earnings in the heading!

What quirks does your horse/horses have?
Sonic is hard to catch, hates men, and if you scratch her back she’ll scratch yours.

Where did you buy/find your horse?
I bought Sonic as a 2yr old sight unseen from a friend in Nebraska. We were buying a rope horse from them and I told them to throw a colt in too. That was Sonic! She was very wild when I got her!

How would you describe your horses barrel racing style?
She’s extreme! It’s all or none. She drives into her turn with speed, you have to hang on!

What was your favourite rodeo this year and why?
This year my favourite rodeo was the Calgary Stampede! Although I didn’t have the most prosperous rodeo there, it was an experience like no other and I won’t soon forget it!! Learnt more about rodeo from that one rodeo than I could imagine! Everything about it was amazing!

We all know that being competitive takes serious mental strength.What do you do to keep a sharp mental edge in the game of rodeo? How do you stay motivated throughout the season?
I listen to podcasts and books while I’m driving about competition. I talk to competitors in other events, they can unknowingly offer great advice if you listen. And my husband is a great resource from his years experience rodeoing. This year was a lot more trying for me on the mental side as I faced a few extra challenges. But I believed in my horses and had faith that if it was meant to be we’d find a way.

What does your feed program look like, keeping your horses in peak condition going down the road and even in the off season?
I like to keep my feed program as simple as possible. Hay, fresh water and Hoffman’s Elite (I’ve been a Hoffman’s girl forever) I add a couple supplements or herbs in for different horses depending on their issues but generally just keep it simple.

What do you do to condition your horses, and to keep them in their best shape through out the season?
I ride our pastures and river hills for my exercise program. I usually back up a hill at the end of my ride for an extra workout. Usually don’t do too much barrel work when I’m rodeoing lots.

What is the best advice you’ve ever been told regarding life, horses, rodeo or barrel racing?
I love the quote “ you must make your goal about improvement not winning”. Seems to be my best advice.

What has been your most memorable run over the years, can be embarrassing or run of your life?
Most memorable run had to be my run at Camrose in 2017, I won the rodeo and won enough to buy my full CPRA card which is such a hurdle to attain. Also, that run felt so smooth and fun! Also, my first run at CFR last year. We won the round and it was one of those runs where I was just hanging on for dear life! Usually the fast ones feel like that for Sonic and I. Those two runs have been my most memorable.

If you could make a run on any one of the other CFR qualifiers horses which one would you choose and why?
Well of course I’d have to say Ripp! Gosh that horse is so dang cool!!

What is the one thing you cannot live without on the road?
Sirius radio and my phone!

What are you looking forward to the most as you head to the 2018 Canadian Finals Rodeo?
Getting to run Sonic in her element (indoors) that always excites me!! I’m really looking forward to the new facility for CFR as well. It’s going to be great!!

Thank you to my sponsors Horse Hydrator Canada, CorVet services, Woodys Custom Saddles, Hidez Canada and Zesterra. I couldn’t do what I do without these great companies, each one plays an integral part in my success!! 


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