See Yah, 2019


Twenty things I learnt/was reminded of in 2019

1.Happiness is NOW, not worrying about the past or the future; it is living in the moment and enjoying every bit of it. I share this every year as a reminder.
2. Expectations can be the mother of disappointment.
3. Before you speak, ask yourself: is it true, is it necessary, is it kind?
4. What you put out in the world is what you will attract. You manifest your life all day long.
5.If you feel like the world is crashing around you, write a list of things you’re grateful for. Ask your friends what they’re grateful for, or what they’re excited about.
6.If you don’t ask, or take the chance, you will never know.
7. Money isn’t everything, time is.

8. Friends come and go. People you think will be around forever can drop in a heartbeat, and that’s okay. It means you’re growing, and that’s what you want to do. You are who you hang around, specifically the five people you spend the most time with.
9.Push your damn self, but also surround yourself with people who will push you too.

10. If a man is interested, you will know. If he isn’t, you’ll be confused.
11. Promoting what you LOVE instead of bashing what you HATE, is so much more satisfying.
12. Do not respond out of anger. Instead you may want to write out what you want to say, but do not send. Check back in 24 hours and see if you still feel the same way. You likely won’t, and you’ll be glad you didn’t press send.
13. You will continue to be sent the same lesson over and over in different versions until you master it.
14. Drink water, stay hydrated. This way you’ll have no time to partake in any BS or drama, instead you’ll be in the bathroom.
15. Talk less, listen more. People need to be heard, and we often forget to just listen.
16. You cannot control people. Not how they feel, what they say, how they respond, none of it. Do not take their actions or words personally, they are usually projecting their past lived experiences.

17. Stop waiting to turn into some beautiful butterfly. enjoy the awkward caterpillar stage. Love the person you are right now. Acknowledge your own shit, and work on yourself.
18. Always tell people you care about that you love them and are proud of them. Enjoy every moment spent with them.
19. Self-Love is so much more that bubble baths. Stop sabotaging your long-term happiness. Stick to your plans and goals for your future self.
20. Lean on your friends when you need, and don’t forget to be there when they need you.


Some Highlights of 2019

– New Years Eve/Canmore
 running a 10km race, pain free
– travelling Alberta, BC, and Sask for a job I LOVE
– Kelowna
– Stellas baby, River was born
– Sports
– Corb Lund, Banff
– the Hokey Pokey with Blayk Jayne
–Weddings, so many weddings
– Moraine Lake, AB
– Working The 100k Slot Race, the Runaway
– Big Valley Jambouree
– Spruce Meadows Masters

 The Petal Movement
– Art show, Vignettes Design Series, MUSE 2019
– Riding with Smith, across the river and through the wide open spaces of Southern Alberta
– Spending my 30th birthday with the loveliest humans

 Fleetwood Mac
– New Friends/Old Friends
– Agribition
–Staying single
– family gatherings


2020 Goals

*seawheeze half marathon*
10km race
5km race
back on camera at The Runaway 2020
travel more
make bank off LCB
read a book a month
become a better at golfing

snowboard and enjoy the mountains in the winter
better physical and mental health

photograph more, always have my camera on me


To Do List

take a personal development course
travel more
say ‘yes’ more often
drink less alcohol

exercise more often
budget my life
spend more time with friends and loved ones


try new restaurants
read a book
unfollow unnecessary people on social media
one blog posts minimum


have coffee with a close friend
call Grandma
reach out to friends


practicing gratitude
daily affirmations
gym, run or stretch
drink all the water
be kind
spread kindness and positivity


Breakaway Roping now an optional CPRA event


2019 Canadian Champions Crowned